Overhead view of New Bedford's coastline

Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

The City of New Bedford is updating the 2016 New Bedford Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Why is this important?

About The Plan Update

What is Hazard Mitigation Planning?

Hazard mitigation planning enables municipalities to identify risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural hazards and develop long-term strategies for protecting people and property from future hazard events. 

A hazard mitigation plan should be considered a living document that must grow and adapt, keeping pace with a community’s growth and change. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA) places high priority on the continuation of the planning process after the initial submittal, requiring communities to seek and receive re-approval from FEMA in order to remain eligible for financial assistance. Check out our factsheets for more information. 

English Factsheet    Spanish Factsheet 

Portuguese Factsheet 

About the Plan Update

Prioritizing Equity

We recognize that we cannot be truly resilient until we are all included in the mission to achieve the vision and New Bedford is committed to equity and ensuring that we connect with and share perspectives with all sectors of the community. New Bedford has connected with 23 community organizations to ensure equitable engagement is at the forefront of the hazard mitigation planning process.

About The Plan Update

Our Process

The approach for this plan development is premised on four primary methods, all geared towards meeting the requirements of the DMA 2000 Public Law 106-390, October 10, 2000:

  • Planning Process—Outreach and Stakeholder Coordination
  • Risk Assessment—Identifying Hazards and Estimating Losses
  • Mitigation Strategy— Identifying Mitigation Actions and Implementation Strategies
  • Plan Maintenance—Implementation, Evaluation and Revision/Update   

Do You Know Your Flood Risk?

See if your home or business is located in Evacuation Zones A or B using the interactive Evacuation Zone Map linked below. Zones A (Red) and B (Yellow) are those areas with that may flood first from storm surge during a tropical storm or hurricane. Areas in Zone A would flood before areas in Zone B.

Find Your Zone

About The Plan Update

Report Card

In order to track progress on the 2016 plan, a report card was created to provide an overview of the 2016 actions with their completion status and their priority-level for being carried over into the plan update. This report card is a helpful tool for maintaining accountability and transparency throughout the planning process.

Download Report Card

About The Plan Update

Steering Committee

New Bedford’s All Hazard Mitigation Planning process encourages public participation and will include several open meetings at times and locations to be announced. The core steering committee will include the following city and state agencies and community-based equity partners:

Public Partners:Community-Based Equity Partners:
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 
NB Shannon Program
City of New BedfordNB Cape Verdean Association
NB Emergency Management
NB Community Economic Development Center
NB City Engineer
Old Bedford Village Economic Development Corp.
NB Public Infrastructure
Immigrants' Assistance Center
NB Resilience and Environmental Stewardship
New Bedford Human Rights Commission
NB Planning/City Planner
NB Conservation
NB Inspectional Services
NB Fire Dept.
NB Police Dept
NB Emergency Medical Services
NB Housing and Community Development
NB Public Health
New Bedford Port Authority
NB Department of Facilities and Fleet Management
Mayor's Office
NB Public Schools
NB Chief Financial Officer
NB Public Information Officer

More Information

Contact Us for More Information

Michele Paul
City of New Bedford
Director of Resilience and Environmental Stewardship
(508) 979-1487                                                            

Craig Pereira
Horsley Witten Group, Inc.
Project Manager
(401) 263-6048

Brian Nobrega
Director of Emergency Management
(508) 961-3060 

Check out these resources for more information:

2016 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
FEMA's Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide
FEMA's Equity Resources for National Preparedness