Michele Paul
City of New Bedford
Director of Resilience and Environmental Stewardship
(508) 979-1487
Craig Pereira
Horsley Witten Group, Inc.
Project Manager
(401) 263-6048
Brian Nobrega
Director of Emergency Management
(508) 961-3060
Here are some more resources to help you weatherize your home, install solar panels, and more!
Join in the City's efforts by implementing your own green infrastructure practices at home.
Protecting our natural resources is a full community effort. Here are some ideas of steps everyone can take to help.
For businesses and homeowners alike, preparing for challenges posed by sea level rise and storm surge can protect your property and your bottom line.
There are many ways you can help New Bedford reach its waste reduction goals. New Bedford's Department of Facilities and Fleet Management's Solid Waste and Recycling Division offer a wealth of information about minimizing waste and send alerts for special events like hazardous waste drop off days.
Keeping New Bedford's recycling free of contaminants ensures that the material can be remade into new products.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is something everyone can do! Here are some ideas.
Everyone can do their part to support clean air by making small changes.