Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

Michele Paul
City of New Bedford
Director of Resilience and Environmental Stewardship
(508) 979-1487                                                            

Craig Pereira
Horsley Witten Group, Inc.
Project Manager
(401) 263-6048

Brian Nobrega
Director of Emergency Management
(508) 961-3060 

Check out these resources for more information:

2016 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
FEMA's Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide
FEMA's Equity Resources for National Preparedness

Climate & Emissions

Here's how you can save energy and money and help New Bedford become more resilient.

Get a free energy audit
Learn about solar opportunities for your home or business
Learn more about our Community Electricity Aggregation Program
Learn about Air Source Heat Pumps for your home or business - save money and energy!
Get Involved with high efficiency design and construction
Explore the state's comprehensive climate action toolkit for residents


Energy Efficiency Incentives

Here are some more resources to help you weatherize your home, install solar panels, and more!

Energy Star wants to help you upgrade your home with energy efficient products
Take action on weatherizing your home to keep it more energy efficient
Get your building energy efficiency certified
Find out about solar options for your home

Green Infrastructure

Join in the City's efforts by implementing your own green infrastructure practices at home.

Get involved with Greening the Gateway Cities.
Prevent stormwater pollution from your home
Learn how to fertilize your lawn while keeping our water clean

Natural Resources

Protecting our natural resources is a full community effort. Here are some ideas of steps everyone can take to help.

Think Blue Massachusetts has guides and tips for how residents can help keep our waterways clean.
Save money, collect rainwater and protect our natural resources!
Become a Horticultural Volunteer at Buttonwood Park Zoo

Public Health & Safety

The City is working hard to keep its residents safe and healthy! Here are some things you can do.

Create an emergency preparedness kit
Get active by opting for a bike
Buy fresh, local, affordable food
Stay up to date on COVID-19 resources from the City like vaccine clinics and testing sites.

Port Resilience

For businesses and homeowners alike, preparing for challenges posed by sea level rise and storm surge can protect your property and your bottom line. 

A Continuity and Recovery Plan will help your business bounce back from a disaster.
An Emergency Kit will prepare you for a flooding event or any other kind of disaster.
Commercial boaters and fishermen – please manage your bilge water properly!

Economy & Jobs

Many resources exist for individuals hoping to join the wave of new opportunities that will come with developing new industries like offshore wind. Whether working directly in clean energy or the businesses that will grow up around them, several workforce initiatives are underway. For those with bigger ideas, community partners such as the New Bedford Economic Development Council are ready to help bring your vision to life.

Mass Clean Energy Center
Greater New Bedford Workforce Development Board
New Bedford Economic Development Council
New Bedford Municipal Career Opportunities

Infrastructure, Utilities, & Waste

There are many ways you can help New Bedford reach its waste reduction goals. New Bedford's Department of Facilities and Fleet Management's Solid Waste and Recycling Division offer a wealth of information about minimizing waste and send alerts for special events like hazardous waste drop off days.

Keeping New Bedford's recycling free of contaminants ensures that the material can be remade into new products. 

Follow New Bedford Recycling
Learn more about what materials are recycleable
As of November 2022, clothing and textiles can no longer be put in the trash.
While the City of New Bedford excels at creating the engineered systems needed to keep the City running, the need and expense for those systems can be reduced by using trees and other green infrastructure to absorb stormwater and restore natural flows to the watershed. As a bonus, the shade given by trees will help keep the city cool as summer temperatures increase.

Get involved with Greening the Gateway Cities
Install a efficient showerhead to save gallons each shower
Leave a legacy by donating to the New Bedford Preservation Society Re-Leaf program
Learn how to recycle and dispose of waste properly
See tips and get discounted bins for composting food scraps at home
Learn about the City’s Food Waste Drop-off Program
As of November 2022, clothing and textiles can no longer be put in the trash

Transportation & Land Use

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is something everyone can do! Here are some ideas.

Commit to minimize idling
Opt for the bus
Ready to go electric?

Air Quality Monitoring

Everyone can do their part to support clean air by making small changes. 

Turn off your vehicle when not moving to reduce pollution and save money.
When you're in the market for a new car, consider an EV to help reduce pollution and improve air quality.
When possible, consider walking, biking, or taking public transportation to your destination. The planet and your wallet will thank you!