Climate & Energy
NB Resilient Goals
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our major contributors--buildings and transportation--will be key to our emission reduction efforts. To drive progress, NB Resilient has laid out four goals:
- Use 100% renewable sources for the City of New Bedford's energy by 2050.
- Reduce residential, municipal, and commercial energy consumption 35% by 2030, using 2013 as a baseline.
- Reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions 35% below 2017 levels by 2030, toward a path to net zero emissions by 2050.
- Work with partners to reduce the vulnerability of the energy system due to extreme weather or peak demand.
To learn more, read our Climate & Energy Fact Sheet.
Climate and Energy
What Are Greenhouse Gases?
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are a natural blanket for Earth. Emitting GHGs is like adding an extra layer, which raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature. The warming of the Earth’s atmosphere changes the climate. GHGs are released when we burn fossil fuels for electricity, to heat our homes, or drive. By investing in renewable energy technologies and reducing our energy consumption, we reduce our contribution to climate change. In preparation for climate change, we also need to ensure that energy is always available to essential facilities.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
GHGs by Sector
In 2019, community wide emissions from New Bedford totaled 737,391 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (MTCO2e). While those emissions come from many different activities, the total is the same as would be produced by an average passenger vehicle driving around the world over 75,000 times (1.89 billion miles)!
When we view emissions by sector, we see that most of New Bedford's emissions are caused by the energy used to operate, heat, and cool buildings. This is followed by transportation, which is mostly on-road cars and trucks. These are followed by emissions from treating wastewater, landfilling solid waste, and the energy used to supply potable water.
Source: 2019 data presented in the 2023 GHG Inventory Update
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
GHGs by Source
In addition to viewing by sector, we can also look at GHGs by the specific fuels and activities that we use. The greatest source of emissions is from the natural gas, which we use primarily to heat our buildings. This is followed by on-road gasoline use and then by electricity.
While bringing more renewable energy to supply electricity is a key strategy for minimizing climate change, New Bedford has the biggest opportunity to reduce emissions through building efficiency and electrifying heating needs.
Source: 2019 data presented in the 2023 GHG Inventory Update
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Our Path to Net Zero
To achieve net zero by 2050, New Bedford will need to take bold and decisive action across all sectors. Reaching near zero emissions will require a combination of actions including electrifying homes, implementing energy efficiency retrofits, transitioning to renewable energy, and adopting electric vehicles. Remaining emissions will likely include heavy-duty vehicles, large industry, aviation and off-road equipment, where emissions solutions are not yet feasible.
Renewable Energy
Clean and Green
New Bedford is a recognized leader in clean energy development. Municipal government has installed over 16 MW of solar capacity on its facilities, enough to cover the electricity needs of over 2,500 homes. In addition, residents have installed 11 MW of solar capacity on their own.
In addition to local development, residents and businesses in New Bedford are driving transition of the energy system at larger scales by participating in Community Choice Aggregation. Not only does this program help create demand for new sources of energy, but it insulates consumers from fluctuating energy prices, saving the community over $4 million since 2014. Lastly, the Vineyard Wind project, the nation's first commercial-scale offshore wind farm, expects to put out 800 megawatts, enough electricity to power more than 400,000 homes.
Energy Use
Optimizing Energy
The energy we use comes from many sources and through different fuels. There are the liquids most of us put into our vehicles, gas lines feeding many of our buildings, and the many ways we can generate and consume electricity. As we move to a low-carbon future, we will be changing how we use different forms of energy for different purposes and as we develop new sources of energy off our coast, we can stretch the benefit further by reducing energy waste and inefficiency.
Energy Use
Energy and Fuels
By putting all the fuels we use in the same terms we can look at how much energy gets used for different purposes. Currently, the largest share of our energy use comes from natural gas, followed by liquid petroleum products (like gasoline and diesel), followed by electricity.
Reducing GHGs will mean replacing much of that natural gas and petroleum use with electricity, generated by renewable resources.
Source: 2019 data presented in the 2023 GHG Inventory Update
Tracking Progress: Clean Water Action's 2024 Achievements
In 2024, Clean Water Action has made significant strides in New Bedford. Through Mass Save programs, they've completed 432 Home Energy Assessments, 144 weatherization installs, and 27 heat pump installs. They’ve also hosted 76 community events, bringing energy-saving resources and information to the community. Discover what Mass Save can offer you and see how you can benefit from these programs!
Actions You Can Take
Become More Resilient
Here's how you can save energy and money and help New Bedford become more resilient.